Tag 7: On the 7th Day the Lord rested

Amir lampert and Mirit Keshales

First I want to say that it was not easy to come to Berlin as the son of a Holocaust Survivor.

Yesterday, we arrived  in Linum and some of us had a chance to experience sleeping in a tent and feel closer to nature at the NABU local center. We sang songs together and sat around a fire watching the stars and listening to the toads and nightingale.

We started early in the morning at 5:00am by bird watching and we saw a many kind of birds

Some of us did birdringing at the NABU local center the other went to create a fence from Reeds  then  we made an Israeli lunch ,we cooked shakshuka. And by afternoon we had the closing meeting at the NAJU office.

The meeting brought up many positive impressions of the last few days and beginning of joint

Projects.  we hope that the NABU,NAJU and the SPNI organization will start a practical project.

And interpersonal  relationships.

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