Amanda Lind and Eva Ressel:
Our day began with evaluations of the week so far; grounding us all. Then presentations of our work. Eva on The NAJU/SPNI exchange, how it began and where we are after four years of cooperation
and learning and our hopes for the future.
The presentations by Michal on the Israel National Trail and Nadav on "Birding in Israel" gave clear insite into the possibilities for eco-tourism in Israel.
We spent the morning working on joint projects , planning the continuation of our partnership. New exchange volunteer projects were born today out of the understanding of the strength in our
Then, imagine an open airfield, kites flying, an old lady of unknown origin, with a head scarf watering her fruit trees like they are the only thing that matters. A ramshackle maze of raised beds
that make a community garden, is the heart of the present day Templehofer airfield. This is the essence of our Berlin experience. Positive projects for the future on the same ground that has
experienced so much of the darker side of history.
We sit together, sharing the pain of the past, not knowing quite how to express the emotions but the important thing is that we are sharing it.
Everything became clear today. The way forward must be to continue. To continue sharing experiences in order to make the a positive change for the future not only for our environment but for
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